Lisa-Sarah Brunier, BSc
Lisa-Sarah is a doctorate student in neuropsycholgy (D.Psy) at the University of Quebec in Outaouais under the supervision of Dr. Synthia Guimond in the CRANI lab. Lisa completed her bachelor’s degree in in Cognitive Neuroscience with a specialization in neuropsychology at the University of Montreal. During her degree, she was involved in different studies investigating social impairment in pediatric brain tumor survivors in the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine under the supervision of Dr. Leandra Desjardins. Lisa is currently involved in the Social Cognition study and the Cognitive Rehabilitation study where she’s focusing on which brain region are linked to impairment in working memory and emotion regulation in major depressive disorder and schizophrenia using brain imaging. Outside of school, you can find Lisa doing some yoga, spending time with friends and family, or backpacking around the world.